Import Incentives under Special Schemes
The Government of India offers many incentives to Indian importer under special
schemes. These schemes are mostly available on those imported product, which will
be latter on used for manufacturing of goods meant for export. This not only stimulates
the industrial growth and development but also brings the foreign currency after
the final export process. The following are some of the important import incentives
offered by the Government of India, which significantly reduce the effective tax
rates for the import companies:
Preferential Rates
Any type of import incentive under preferential rate is only applicable for the
import o goods from certain preferential countries such as Mauritius, Seychelles
and Tonga provided certain conditions are satisfied. The certificate of origin is
very important in order to avail of the benefits of such concessional rates of duty.
Duty Entitlement Pass Book in short DEPB is basically an export incentive scheme.
The objective of DEPB scheme is to neutralize the incidence of basic custom duty
on the import content of the exported products. Notified on 1/4/1997, the DEPB Scheme
consisted of (a) Post-export DEPB and (b) Pre-export DEPB. The pre-export DEPB scheme
was abolished w.e.f. 1/4/2000. Under the post-export DEPB, which is issued after
exports, the exporter is given a Duty Entitlement Pass Book at a pre-determined
credit on the FOB value. The DEPB allows import of any items except the items which
are otherwise restricted for imports.
Duty Drawback
Duty Drawback rates in India is the special rebate given under the Section 75 of
Indian Customs Act on exported products or materials. Duty drawback rates or concession
are only applicable on products which are used in the processing of goods manufactured
in India and then exported to foreign countries. Duty Drawback is not given on inputs
obtained without payment of customs or excise duty. In case of re-export of goods,
it should be done within 2 years from the date of payment of duty when they were
imported. 98% of the duty is allowable as drawback, only after inspection. If the
goods imported are used before its re-export, the drawback will be allowed as at
reduced per cent.
All industry drawback rates are fixed by Directorate of Drawback, Dept. of Revenue,
Ministry of Finance and Government of India and are periodically revised - normally
on 1st June every year. Section 37 of Central Excise Act allows Central Government
to frame rules for purpose of the Act. Under these powers, ‘Customs and Central
Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 1995’ have been framed.
Under the Duty Free Replenishment Certificate (DFRC) schemes, import incentives
are given to the exporter for the import of inputs used in the manufacture of goods
without payment of basic customs duty. Such inputs shall be subject to the payment
of additional customs duty equal to the excise duty at the time of import. Duty
Free Replenishment Certificate (DFRC) shall be available for exports only up to
30.04.2006 and from 01.05.2006 this scheme is being replaced by the Duty Free Import
Authorisation (DFIA).
Effective from 1st May, 2006, Duty Free Import Authorisation or DFIA in short is
issued to allow duty free import of inputs which are used in the manufacture of
the export product (making normal allowance for wastage), and fuel, energy, catalyst
etc. which are consumed or utilised in the course of their use to obtain the export
product. Duty Free Import Authorisation is issued on the basis of inputs and export
items given under Standard Input and Output Norms (SION).
Deemed Exports
Deemed Export is a special type of transaction in which the payment is received
before the goods are delivered. The payment can be done in Indian Rupees or in Foreign
Exchange. As the deemed export is also a source of foreign exchange, so the Government
of India has given the benefit duty free import of inputs.
Agri Export Zones
Various importers that come under the Agri Export Zones are entitled to all the
import facilities and incentives.
Served from India
In order to create a powerful “Served from India” brand all over the world, the
government has provided different type of import incentive to the invisible export
providers. Under the Served from India Scheme, import incentive is given for import
of any capital goods, spares, office equipment and professional equipment.
Manufacture under Bond
Under the Manufacture under Bond Scheme, all factories registered to produce their
goods for export are exempted from import duty and other taxes on inputs used to
manufacture such goods. Against this the manufacturer is allowed to import goods
without paying any customs duty. The production is made under the supervision of
customs or excise authority.
Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme (EPCG)
EPCG is a special type of incentive given to the EPCG license holder. Capital goods
imported under EPCG Scheme are subject to actual user condition and the same cannot
be transferred /sold till the fulfillment of export obligation specified in the
license. In order to ensure that the capital goods imported under EPCG Scheme, the
license holder is required to produce certificate from the jurisdictional Central
Excise Authority (CEA) or Chartered Engineer (CE) confirming installation of such
capital goods in the declared premises. Under Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG)
scheme, a license holder can import capital goods such as plant, machinery, equipment,
components and spare parts of the machinery at concessional rate of customs duty
of 5% and without CVD and special duty.